
More deals: Blu-ray movies for cheap [Update]

Do you like watching Blu-ray movies? Who doesn't? There's a ton of ways to build your Blu-ray collection for cheap using these three deals.

  • is offering a Buy 1, Get 1 free sale on select titles. It's similar to the selection they offered before. If you're into their offerings, this is easily the best deal of the bunch. Update: Even more movies added.

  • J&R has select movies on sale. The catch? You have to buy two and you have to pay for shipping. But, with the average disc costing $16, this might be worth your while.

  • Deep Discount is offering 20% off every movie in the store. This gives you a very flexible way of saving on movies not found in the previous deals. You might want to pick up Planet Earth or the Spider-Man collection. Use coupon code NYTIMES.

[Via SlickDeals]