
EQ2 Sarnak fire breathing movie

One of the racial traits that all Sarnaks receive is the ability to breathe fire. Literally. The new race in EverQuest II: Rise of Kunark are magically created beings based on dragons after all.

While I was poking around in the Beta (for your benefit) I took a video of my level 80 Sarnak Bruiser using his new trait on an unsuspecting Drachnid in the Kylong Plains. As you can see, the effect is rather dramatic and the extra damage doesn't hurt either.

The ability is on a 30 minute timer so use it wisely. And if any of your group members gets lazy, you'll now have a simple way to light a fire under their ass.

Check back with us today as we have one more video coming that shows off the Sarnak's awesome new dance moves. And check out all our EQ2: RoK coverage.