
The creation of the Guncon 3, part two

Yeah, we left you on a sort of cliffhanger last time we talked about the creation of the new Guncon for Time Crisis 4, but as promised, we're back to follow up with the final steps of its creation. First and foremost (and important to this blogger on a personal level), we have been assured that the new Guncon 3 design works equally well for left-handed players, so fear not if you think the design favors one handedness over another.

A second humorous point is the fact that outside of Japan, the Guncon 3 has a really cheesy (literally) bright orange color. Japan gets a cool black one. Why? Government regulations in the US and certain parts of Europe -- anything modeled after a gun needs to look significantly different than a real gun.

It helps that the gun is accurate. The hardware side of the gun sounds impressive: "the lens of the gun was designed by a company that makes precision lenses used in cameras and scanners that can minimize distortion at the 90mm level. In the Guncon 3 itself, there are chips dedicated to computing the location of the sensors, which can detect their position within 1/60th of a second and transmit the data to the PS3. These chips also contain the functionality to detect movement and tilt" like a Sixaxis -- might be handy for reloading? Anyway, check out the post on the PlayStation Blog to see all the prototypes and the final result.