
Wii Photo Channel gets better, worse in December

While most Wii owners are too busy playing Super Mario Galaxy or checking out Miis to care, Nintendo has announced through their web site some pending updates to the Wii's Photo Channel. Call it a bad news sandwich on good news bread. The good news: After the update you'll be able to choose a favorite picture as the channel's Wii menu icon. The bad news: MP3 music playback will be replaced with support for the higher-quality but much less-accessible AAC format. The good news: The AAC files can be played back in a random order. Mmm... sandwich.

While the added features are nice, we're pretty amazed that Nintendo has managed to make the potentially-useful-but-in-practice-pretty-annoying music playback feature even worse by changing up the formats. As Wii Fanboy points out, even those with copious, iTunes libraries in the proprietary AAC format are unlikely to be able to play them on the non-Apple-endorsed Wii (and don't go restarting those pesky merger rumors -- no one is getting bought out) due to the DRM issues. But, again, unless you're one of the three people who uses the channel regularly, you're probably too busy to care. Go back to your business ... nothing to see here.