
Assassin's Creed isn't loved by all

Assassin's Creed is pulling in a mixed bag of scores since its launch this week, with reviews ranging from a crazy perfect 100 to a very disappointing 67 given out by Planet Xbox 360. According to metacritic, Assassin's currently has 15 reviews posted with the average rating working out to be around 84 out of 100. It's an average rating that is pretty good, but far from 90+ games like BioShock, Halo 3, Orange Box and CoD4. So what's the problem? Well, the low reviews seem to focus on the game's negatives like a short campaign, repetitive sequences and odd design decisions all tainted with (what we feel to be) a bit of over expectation. It's a classic case of disappointments weighing greater on the review scale than the positives.

We haven't had a chance to play the retail build of the game quite yet, so we're interested in hearing what those of you who have played it think. Has Assassin's Creed fulfilled your every hope and desire or has its minor imperfections ruined the experience? Tell us what's up. Until then, we'll just wait and see where the game's average moves after more reviews get tallied.