
Slashing up CoX

AmazingMOO (not our amazing Moo, but another one) put up a very cool post on the CoX forums a while back. He listed off a slew of lesser known slash commands he found in the game. I spend at least some of my play time every time I log in reading the newspaper to catch up on the latest infoz. But did you know that these were also in the game? Yeah, I didn't either:

/cmdlist: A list of all the /slash commands in the game
/whereami: Let's you know what server and map you're currently logged into
/copychat [tabname]: Copies the contents of a chat tab to the Windows keyboard
/showfps: Lets you see your frame rate
/whoall: Displays every player in the zone
/cc #: Insert the number of the costume slot you want to switch to, and bam! Costume switched.
/unloadgfx: Having performance issues in Grandville? Try this command to clear things up.

Have you encountered any slash commands you find useful in the game?