
Variety details new Ghostbusters game

Game Informer may have the cover for December, but Variety is dropping the details now about the new Ghostbusters game. Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd are teaming up to write the game's script, which will act as sequel to the movies. Ramis, Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson and Bill Murray will reprise their roles as the Ghostbusters by providing their voice and likeness on the project and, most importantly, Annie Potts will provide the voice of the secretary, Janine Melnitz. It's also worth mentioning that this game has nothing to do with the impressive looking Zootfly Ghostbusters game from earlier this year, which has since been erased from the intertubes.

The game will be created by Vivendi's Sierra label. Vivendi's videogame adaptation of Scarface has apparently sold over 2.5 million units and grossed $125 million for the company, which now claims that Scarface and Ghostbusters were in the top five movie franchises that gamers asked to see turned into video games -- wouldn't we love to know what the other three are now? Estimates have it that Vivendi spent "tens of millions" for the Ghostbusters license from Sony Pictures. Mark Caplan, VP of Sony's consumer products division said, "This brand is a very important asset for the studio, and we feel it's prime time for it to be rediscovered through videogames," Almost every console and handheld will be supported, and release is expected by fall of '08, which is awfully quick in current-gen game development time.