
Rise of Kunark pets prove productive

Lets face it, there are lots of pets in MMOs that serve as little more than trophies for players who have happened upon some lucky achievement or who were willing to dish out some extra cash to get the prize in the proverbial cereal box. Lassie, these pets are not. At first glance the

Burynai Digger house pet in EQ2 Rise of Kunark appeared to be more of the same - just an interactive trinket for people who preordered the expansion. According to elquinjena at the Legion of Kithicor website, that assumption is quite misguided.

Evidently, you can feed your Burynai Digger various food items and he'll occasionally spit back collection items. From her description, there didn't seem to be much rhyme or reason to the goodies that came out of his mouth -- he just procured what he felt like. According to the official website, the little buggers go to bury the trash you give them and discover shinies within your home and bring them back to you. How nice of them!
They're still ugly little buggers though, if you ask me.