
PS3 Poll Police: Was the PS3's first year the best, or worst?

So, this weekend marks the advent of the PlayStation 3's birth and like most children, it experienced what can only be called Growing Pains. It gets into hilarious situations in which Kirk Cameron and Alan Thicke must reconcile their differences and ... oh, wrong scenario. Anyway, the Poll Police are charging you with assessing the progress of the Sony brand and the PlayStation 3 over the past year. What did you think? What will happen from now on? The future is unknown, until it, well, becomes the present. So: will the PS3's first year be remembered as the worst, or does it mark itself as the high point in its life cycle?

Will the PS3's first year be the worst, the best, or meh?

It was a rough start, so this was the worst year.

It had a slow start, but it went okay.

I'd say the PS3 did pretty well in its first year.

Are you kidding? This year can't be beat! free polls

That's that, then. Last week's poll was interesting, because we focused on a single demo to see how the world was receiving Sony's latest title in Naughty Dog's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. How did it fare? Well, you'll have to take the jump to find out.

Many people complained about "too much action" in this game. Really? Well, you'll have to wait for our review on the game, but those people will have a much harder time deciding whether they want to get the game or not. There's action, there's puzzle-solving, there's exploration ... so the demo was showing off the fighting, clearly. Anyhow, most of you thought the demo was excellent and we're glad to hear that. We'll tell you what we thought of the game in our review tomorrow.