
Dojo update: Smart Bomb and Training Mode

Today's dojo update is a "2-for-1" deal, giving us insight into a new game mode and in-game item. First, the new game mode allows players to set up scenarios for training purposes. As you can see above, you control everything right down to the flow of time, allowing you to perfect your craft before stepping into the field of combat with actual opponents. Considering how long it's been since we've played a Smash Bros. game, we're probably going to need this.

The new in-game item is the Smart Bomb, which can be used to destroy everyone. Upon launching the item at your opponent, it will detonate and the explosion will steadily grow. As it expands, it traps other combatants into it. But, you have to watch out, because it can also trap you in.

Read - Training Mode
Read - Smart Bomb