
Uncharted shown too early, says Naughty Dog

Many wanted to burn an effigy of PS3 Fanboy writer Andrew (that's me) for my negative impressions of Uncharted at E3 earlier this year. "It's too bad that uncomfortable controls, glitches, and a finicky camera are getting in the way of a potentially excellent game."

Of course, things turned around quite significantly. The game received a 9.5 from both Nick and Andrew in their joint PS3 Fanboy review -- a remarkable improvement from the earlier builds, as noted on the fancast. So, what does developer Naughty Dog have to say about such a drastic turnaround? Speaking to 1UP, Evan Wells noted that "Something else that I would say might change is something you guys pointed out in your 1UP Yours show -- the fact that we showed the game so early. In fact, we knew at the time that it wasn't, you know, solid -- in particular the A.I. and the gunplay."

The early criticisms of the game were pretty unanimous across the critical mass, and that has imprinted a negative image on many gamers. Granted, the team used the feedback and really focused their development. "And we put it out there hoping we'd get the benefit of the doubt that we still had seven months of production left and then of course, we got the feedback...and it was good feedback, and in some ways it was a great focus test for where we were headed." But, had Naughty Dog refrained from showing the game so early, could Uncharted have made an even bigger splash on the gaming community?