
Rock Band drums, meet the Rock Band drum bag

Rock Band is many things, but of all the things it is not, portable is probably at the top of the list. With a microphone, up to two guitars, and a drum set to transport, lugging around your equipment could become almost as onerous as the real thing. Enter the official drum bag from the Harmonix Rock Band store. As you can see above, the bag manages to fit the whole drum kit into one portable package. So, it's great for taking your kit to a friend's house or, perhaps more importantly, hiding the drum kit for the sake of your significant other. $50 bucks seems a bit steep for a glorified gym bag, but the convenience really can't be denied.

The other kit for sale includes things like guitar skins and bags, the utility of which is somewhat more suspect. Glance them all in the gallery below.

[Via Joystiq]