
Yesterday in Warcraft: November 20, 2007

Can't keep up on all of the news from Outland? That's okay, because WoW Insider has your back, keeping up with all the news from World of Warcraft so you don't have to. The biggest game news of the day could be summed up with a single story: Blizzard's new advertising campaign, featuring William Shatner and Mr. T, has all of the forums abuzz. (What can I say? We're an easily amused lot!) But Shatner's class choice isn't the only interesting thing happening! Also on WoW Insider:

  • WoW Insider's weekly comic, /silly, asks all the hard questions. For example, "Why are they called Voidwalkers, when don't have any legs?"

  • For a week in review without all of that pesky reading required, listen to episode 12 of the WoW Insider Show -- now available for download from WoW Radio and iTunes.

  • Chances are you didn't know about the many dangers of Warcraft before reading this comic.

  • This week's Build Shop covers a combat/mutilate spec for rogues.

  • Have you been wondering why Zul'Aman gear for tanks has such low defense?

  • In case you don't get enough drama in your day-to-day existance, GuildWatch is here every week to bring you the latest on all of the guild drama that can fit in a post.