
Professor Layton and the tantalizing sequel

We were forced to see screenshots of the secondProfessor Layton game while still eagerly anticipating the first one, so of course we wanted to torture you in the same way. Look what Japan has two of. These screens aren't exactly the most exciting things to look at, consisting mostly of Luke or Professor Layton reacting to another character's statement. But that's kind of enough. Think about the average Phoenix Wright gameplay session.

The screens feature two chapters from the game; in general terms based on the limited information presented in the article (and then clumsily translated): the first chapter deals with Layton and Luke's arrival in the town of Volscens and their subsequent investigation of the Pandora's Box to which the game's title alludes; the second takes place in the purportedly haunted Felzen house, which is related to the box in some way.