
Greg Joswiak on iPhone applications

Fortune's Big Tech blog has posted an interview with Greg Joswiak, the head of iPod and iPhone marketing. In the interview, Joswiak talks about the evolution of new iPod features and how Apple has taken the device beyond just a simple music player.

Of particular interest (at least to me) is Joswiak's mention of iPhone application development and sales. He talks about his excitement in bringing "legitimate" developers into the iPhone application space (heh) and promises digital application signatures. Although he spins this as a way to ensure the application on your iPhone is the correct application that the developers intended to ship, it's also pretty obviously a way to ensure that the application on your iPhone has been vetted by Apple. The apps will conform to a development environment that maintains "security and reliability" while offering "some really cool things", i.e. no unlocks and a possibly limited subset of the development space.

One thing the article makes clear is that the SDK will not be invitation only. Joswiak says the SDK will bring in grassroots small developers as well as "legitimate" developers, a move he sees as "awesome".