
Nintendo denies PR-ing Wii shortages

When two identically worded stories regarding Wii shortages popped up on the internets yesterday, suspicious types dared to suggest that Nintendo's PR department may have had a hand in cynically milking the Wii drought.

The articles in question, located here and here, appeared on the sites of two UK newspapers, national tabloid The Sun and London daily The Evening Standard. Different titles aside, both are indeed exactly the same. So, what's going on? Ninty explained all in an email to the chaps at Maxconsole, which y'all can find after the break. We like to think that the grammatical error early on is simply down to Nintendo being so damn mad that it punched out its response while in a blind, frothy fit of rage.

"We are strongly reject and resent the accusation that we are "PR-ing" stock shortages and no press releases are being distributed. We are doing all we can to ensure that the unprecedented demand for Wii can be met as far as possible in the run up to Christmas. This is being done through regular and multiple deliveries of Wii stock to the UK, globally we are working at maximum capacity, producing 1.8 million units of Wii hardware a month to try and meet this demand as far as possible."