
Asteroids collide with XBLA

Don't let the exciting headline above fool you, because there's not much to get excited about on XBLA this week. Barring a brief trip down nostalgia lane, this week's release of Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe -- even in one convenient package -- is hardly worth a second (or possibly first) glance. Frankly, the game hasn't stood the test of time, though old school fans may find something to like here. Also, the revamped Evolved version is nothing more than the same game with a new coat of pixels. There are no new powerups, no smart bombs, just some flashy new explosions. The explosions, by the way, obscure your vision, which actually makes the game harder. Don't let the allure of two games for the price of one fool you, because that's not what's on offer here.

As a commenter points out, we forgot to mention the price. It's 400 MS Points.
