
Heroic Map Pack FAQs: Satellites and Forging

Ever since the Halo 3 Heroic Map Pack was announced and discussed over at, we've been mulling over a few questions. Questions regarding some specific statements made in the article regarding how Forge will work with Foundry and if we'll be able to take our battles to the satellite dishes in Standoff. And thanks to Bungie super coder Archnos, he cleared up our Heroic Pack confusion over at HBO.

Firstly, Archnos confirmed that Forge editing will not act any differently with new map Foundry. No weird object manipulation, no new options, it'll all be the same. What is different and unique is a few new objects and the fact that nearly every object within' Foundry can be removed or relocated. So, that's how that works. The other hopeful question we wanted clarification on was whether or not we could "play" on the satellite dishes in Standoff. Sadly, Archnos confirmed that the massive dishes were only objects out in the distance and cannot be "played" on, but missile silos will be fair game. And we can't complain about that, seeing that missile silos are badass in their very nature, but we'd love to hop around on a giant satellite ... it has become our twisted obsession. A very twisted obsession.