
Gamer almost evicted because of Rock Band [update]

[Update: Lo and behold it looks like reason prevailed, as reading deeper into the forum thread reveals that luminary pants spoke to the apartment manager and has avoided eviction. It seems that everyone on the internet that reported this story (including us) failed to uncover this beforehand. Thanks to Kurifurisan for setting us straight.]

It seems Rock Band is getting closer and closer to the real thing all the time, though perhaps not in the manner Harmonix had hoped. Case in point: a Rock Band forum user by the name of "luminary pants" has been handed what apparently amounts to an eviction notice. The reason: overly loud sessions of Rock Band. Even though the notice states that he has 10 days to "abide fully by the covenants and conditions" of his rental contract, luminary pants claims that he has until December 1 to move out. While this apparently isn't the first time luminary pants has been warned -- he claims he wasn't given a reason for the previous warnings; he thought it was because he ran the laundry too late -- we feel sorry that he's being kicked out because of a video game. Maybe Harmonix could find some way give luminary pants a special achievement. "You got evicted for noise violations. Next stop: Rock."

[Via Eurogamer]