
Second Life viewer 1.18.5 released

Second Life release candidate viewers seem to be on relatively rapid cycle recently. It seems like just yesterday that the first release candidate for 1.18.5 hit the streets [actually, it was sixteen days ago], showcasing the new search system.

1.18.5(3) is available right now for download (we use and recommend the use of a download manager) as the new official viewer. Windows users can expect about a 35MB download, Linux users around 45MB, and Mac users around 67MB (essentially double, because of the Universal Binary format).

Changes from 1.18.5(2) seem relatively minor, but without the exact release notes from each version on hand, you'd be hard-pressed to figure out what's changed since the last release-candidate.

Aggregate release notes covering everything from 1.18.4(3) are available on the Second Life wiki. Source code for all platforms is already available.