
Voice of Mario to write autobiography

Charles Martinet, whom you may know as the voice of Mario, has decided to write an autobiography that he hopes to finish sometime next year. The book will go into detail about what it's like to be the voice of an icon and work for Nintendo.

Martinet has been working for Nintendo since 1990, so he probably has quite a bit of insight when it comes to the video games industry. We're sure the book will also be filled with some profound points regarding violence in video games, like when he states, "It's up to parents and family members to know what their children are doing and how much time they spend doing it and the impact those things have on them. People playing Mario games don't make them like pasta any more."

While we agree with the sentiment, using pasta as his comparison point probably hurts the argument more than it helps it. Either way, gems like that may make this book an interesting read.