
Take me out to the robot cat ballgame

There is a noticeable dearth of robot cat baseball games on the DS -- or robot baseball games, for that matter. Or cat baseball games. Luckily, Dorabase will fulfill that obvious need for the Japanese audience, at least.

It also fulfills another desire of ours. In addition to its wacky concept and equally wacky stylus control scheme, Dorabase will feature some nonstandard tactics. For example, a robotic-penguin-looking hitman can trip a runner by firing at him with a rifle. Kuroemon seems to be able to spin his bat so quickly that he creates a vortex, sucking the pitched ball towards his bat. An item called the "Big Light" increases the ball to an enormous size, so that it crushes any fielder who tries to catch it. As fans of wacky superpowered baseball, we wholeheartedly approve.