
NBC covers Second Life with strange results

There's a video up on NBC's site about Second Life, but not only isn't it saying anything new, there are a couple of weird bits about it.

First, the reporter assigned to the story narrates, explaining that an SL avatar ' ... can walk, talk, and fly through the Web.' Fly through the Web? Did this guy even understand what was going on? I mean, watch the video: does that look like the Web to you?

Second, immediately after that line, we get a short bit of Philip Linden talking about SL, but his name never appears, nor his title. This is followed with a second tiny bit with someone else who isn't named.

Finally, what I assume is meant to be a wrap-up to the piece has 'Britney' in the middle of saying something; his mouth moves, no sound is heard, and it fades unceremoniously out. I don't think there's any editorializing going on here. It just seems really sloppy, and not befitting a major news source.

[Thanks, Eric!]