
LotRO offers (conditional) lower monthly fee for the holidays

Planning on sticking with The Lord of the Rings Online for a while? If so, you can save five bucks a month on your subscription costs thanks to a holiday promotion recently announced by Turbine.

LotRO players both new and old will have access to a special billing plan until January 31st. You have to pay for three months in advance, but if you do, you pay only $9.99 per month. Or put another way, it's like getting every third month free. This plan is not very helpful if you're not comfortable committing to your life in Middle-earth for a few months, but if you are, you can start a new account in the plan or change an existing account over to it.

We're not sure how the "holiday" part enters into the deal, since the three month subscription is not a a gift you can buy for a friend or family member, but it's nice anyway.