
Lost Planet launches with a budget price

Capcom's big PS3 surprise was a port of the former Xbox 360 exclusive, Lost Planet. Disappointed PS3 fans expecting more were dismayed by the idea of yet another port, and threw a collective tantrum on the internet. Well, at least Capcom's making a smart move by pricing next year's port at a discount price. If Capcom's official store is to be believed, the game will launch for only $40 -- that's $20 less than the standard retail price for games.

Capcom's booth at New York Anime Fest (which includes a playable PS3 demo of Devil May Cry 4) has also been distributing coupons for their official store. Use code NYANIMEFEST to get 15% off your purchase, which includes pre-orders for Lost Planet.

[Thanks, Kspraydad!]