
EVE: Trinity is one of 2007's top game innovations has compiled their list of the top 10 game innovations of 2007, and there is only one MMO on the list: EVE Online. Next-gen decided to honor EVE for taking on the task of completely revamping their graphical engine, and showing that a well-designed MMO can be updated forever.

If I was honoring EVE, that's probably the least of the innovations I'd step up to honor them for. The realtime skill system, the open-ended gameplay, and the masterpiece of an economic system all rank higher than what the ships look like, but then again, this is a list for 2007. And hey, it's a year-end list, so it's hardly definitive anyway (apparently no one told him about Trinity's whole bootini incident).

So if we put together our list of the best MMO innovations of 2007, what would be on there? The Tier 5 token system from Burning Crusade? The "stored labor" crafting system in Pirates of the Burning Sea (or would that be on the 2008 list)? Tabula Rasa's mix of FPS, RPG, and MMO? What was the best innovation you saw in an MMO this year?

[Via Curse]