
November NPD: 360 sees second best month ever

November's NPD

numbers have just come through the news wire and the Xbox 360 did mighty fine. Hardware sales for November were at the second highest levels ever with the Xbox 360 moving 770,000 consoles. Though, the Wii was no slouch selling 981,000 consoles and the PS3 picked up a bunch of steam from October selling roughly 466,000. Moving on to the software side of things we see that four out of the top ten games are Xbox 360 titles including Call of Duty 4 at at number one with an amazing 1.57 million units, Assassin's Creed at #3, Mass Effect at #6 and Halo 3 at #9. We've posted a complete numbers breakdown of all the NPD data after the break, you know, just in case you're a fanboy who loves his numbers. The gaming universe is strong young ones, $2.63 billion spent in November is nothing to take lightly.

[Thanks, Charles]

November NPD Hardware Sales
DS - 1.53 million
Wii - 981,000
Xbox 360 - 770,000
PS2 - 496,000
PS3 - 466,000

November NPD Software Sales
Call of Duty 4 - 360 - 1.57 million

Super Mario Galaxy - Wii - 1.12 million
Assassin's Creed - 360 - 980,000
Guitar Hero III - PS2 - 967,000
Wii Play - Wii - 564,000
Mass Effect - 360 - 473,000
Call of Duty 4 - PS3 - 444,000
Guitar Hero III - Wii - 426,000
Halo 3 - 360 - 387,000
Assassin's Creed - PS3 - 377,000