
No More Heroes: possible U.S. boxart, possible attempt at placation from European publisher

Two interesting items related to localized versions of No More Heroes have popped up, and we decided to combine them despite the fact that they don't necessarily relate to one another. First, Amazon's page for the American version of No More Heroes now contains a boxart image. We have no idea if it's the final boxart or a placeholder, but it's cool and doesn't have too much clutter.

The other news tidbit is that Rising Star Games has apparently been responding to angry emails from European gamers who want ichor. The message, as reported by NeoGAFfer Dachande, says not to "rule out a revised, 18+ version released some time in 2008 incidentally."

If this happens, it's either a fan-pleasing move or an open grab at double-dippers' wallets -- or a confusing bit of marketing that will make people hesitate to buy the game the first time and, at worst, forget to buy it the second time. Most likely the statement is just Rising Star's way of trying to get people to leave them alone about the blood thing.