
Forged Halo 3 "marble maze" is inspiring

While cruisin'' through Digg we came across a video by mus65tang1 featuring some interesting forging on Foundry involving the soccer ball. Mus65tang1 created what he calls a "marble maze" which is a rather cool series of lifts, ramps and shield doors setup to carry the soccer ball through Foundry. It isn't over the top spectacular, but it's entertaining and it inspired us. It inspired us to not only create our own marble maze of sorts, but to convert ours into a Rube Goldberg machine. And so, per Rube Goldberg rules, we must create a "marble maze" that completes a simple task. Maybe our soccer maze will complete the task of blowing up fusion cores, releasing a mongoose to drive or capturing a flag for us. Yeah, that'd be cool. Or our Rube Goldberg forging inspiration will end like it always does; after ten minutes we give up, resort to childish behavior and blow crap up. That'll probably be what happens.

[Via Digg]