
One Shots: A pirate's life for me!

Reader Errantdreams offers up this shot from Flying Lab Software's upcoming MMO Pirates of the Burning Sea. Errant tells us:

I just love PotBS's character customization -- you can create anything from a dirty ol' man to a strapping lad to just about any sort of woman, and in the first major content patch they're apparently going to add varying body types, so yes, you'll be able to play a fat pirate! It's like CoX except non-superhero.

Oh yes, over here at Massively we do love a good character creation minigame, and PotBS has a great one, with enough different options to make a pirate that's you and only you.

Could your in-game avatar be you and no one elses? Show us your unique look so we can feature it on our next edition of One Shots! Send your screenshots and stories to You may see it featured here tomorrow, same time, same place!
