
PS Fanboy Best of 2007: Best Graphics

Stay tuned all this week as we reveal the our nominees for the very best games of 2007. Winners will be declared on December 27th.

PSP finally blossomed as a system, as developers were able to unlock its full 333MHz processing power. With it, we've seen games that match, and sometimes exceed, most PS2 games. Amazing what our tiny portable system can do now, isn't it?

And the nominees for PSP Fanboy - Best Graphics of 2007 are:

Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
High Impact Studios | Sony Computer Entertainment

Size Matters does very little to compromise the graphical flair found in previous Ratchet & Clank games. Just a gander at one of the intense space missions in the game will show the incredible power of the game engine. Particles upon particles are thrown at the screen, making these sequences easily one of the most graphically intense experiences you can find on PSP.


SOCOM Tactical Strike
Slant Six | Sony Computer Entertainment

There are times where SOCOM Tactical Strike forgets its a handheld game. Slant Six has crafted a powerful engine that has can render lush jungles, realistic cityscapes, and complex lighting with a silky smooth framerate. Large levels are miles-long, and the engine is somehow able to squeeze them all into the PSP. We don't know how they did it, but Tactical Strike is a sight to be behold.


Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow
Sony Bend | Sony Computer Entertainment

Sony Bend somehow managed to churn out a game even more stunning than its predecessor, Dark Mirror. Interactive water simply outdoes anything ever done on the system, and an advanced particles engine creates some truly stunning smoke, fog and steam effects. With a terrific real-time lighting model, Syphon Filter does things that many PS2 games only dream of.


Stay tuned to PSP Fanboy on December 27th for the winners. Best of 2007 image based off of work from Studio469.