
Got a question? Introducing Ask X3F

At a recent Xbox 360 Fanboy meeting, we were all sitting around wondering how we could come up with a recurring feature that would require the least amount of effort best help the community. After an intense one minute brainstorming session (Dustin popped a blood vessel in his eye), we came up with Ask X3F. As its name implies, we will use this space to answer the community's burning queries. If you have an Xbox related question, we want it. Don't think that these questions have to be technical questions (they're certainly okay, though). If you'd like our opinion on a certain matter, or if you'd like to share your own opinion, feel free. Maybe you just wanted to let us know that you created an awesome map for Halo 3. Whatever you want us to talk about, send it our way.

Send all your questions, comments, complaints, and rants to: Ask [at] xbox360fanboy [dawt] com. We'll post and reply to the best emails every Tuesday (we might even read some on the Fancast]. So, get crackin' fanboys.