
Trackmania rolling onto DS?

A GoNintendo reader spotted a video on YouTube of what appears to be a version of TrackMania running on the DS. Another reader spotted a mention of the game on TrackMania publisher Focus Home Interactive's Game Connection page. TrackMania is a series of awesome PC racing games, focusing on user-created tracks.

We're calling this a rumor, because it has yet to appear on FHI's actual web page, and a YouTube video out of nowhere is not exactly an official announcement. This could be homebrew, or some other game, or just treachery. It seems like a distinct possibility, though. Focus Home Interactive recently announced another PC to DS port, Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle, for one, and building tracks with the touch screen seems like a natural.

Too bad racing on the DS doesn't seem quite as natural. We're also a little concerned about the possibility of sharing tracks. TrackMania's community is basically the whole reason the games are awesome. If the DS doesn't have a robust system in place for uploading and downloading new tracks, then ... bye, TrackMania DS.

[Via GoNintendo]