
New $.99 Rock Band DLC available for Christmas

Harmonix promised and today Harmonix delivered by releasing brand new Rock Band downloadable content and for a special holiday price. For half the normal going rate you can download a cover of The Sounds' "Song With a Mission", two All-American Rejects tracks as well as two 30 Seconds to Mars tracks (shout out to Jared Leto) all for the cheaply cheap price of 80 Microsoft points each. You hear correctly, 80 Microsoft points each! We can nearly guarantee we'll be getting our download on either because we enjoy the song or simply because we want to add to our Rock Band music library for the cheap. Take a look at today's $.99 Rock Band tracks after the break, spend, rock out and enjoy!

[Thanks, David]

Today's Rock Band DLC
Individual Tracks - 80

"Song With a Mission" as made famous by The Sounds*
"Move Along" by All-American Rejects
"Dirty Little Secret" by All-American Rejects
"The Kill" by 30 Seconds to Mars
"Attack" by 30 Secons to Mars

(asterisk denotes cover song)