
Return your HDTV? Or buy more stuff to go with it?

If you're one of the brave ones who went out today to return unwanted Christmas presents -- yeah pastel socks, we mean you -- perhaps you saw one of the estimated 10% who will return an HDTV set this season, as Information Week interviewed the analysts who are predicting poor consumer satisfaction for those who just bought a set and are expecting some magic increase in quality on their old collection of VHS tapes. Of course, you could also be one of the many who realize a good flat panel display deserves a PS3, Xbox 360, or HD DVD player to go with it to throw on some quality images, and dived in to buy some new gear, and a movie or three. So let us know in the comments, do you plan to return some swag this holiday? Or are you planning on getting some more? And if so, can we come over and check out your setup?

Read - Up to 20% could return sets, or...
Read - Shoppers return to buy more