
X3F Week in Review: December 21, 2007 - December 27, 2007

Well, the holidays are nearing an end and it's time for people to get back into that daily grind once more. Allow us to help you settle in by providing you with the Xbox 360 tidbits you may have missed over the last few days. Of course, you should read them all, but we heartily recommend the first edition of Ask X3F, in which we give advice and counsel that we were actually asked to give. We've also got some delectable Ninja Gaiden II footage, the usual Halo 3 shenanigans, and a delightful story about Sony refusing to let Official Xbox Magazine review a Bravia HDTV (even though OXM's Dan Amrich actually owns one). Last but not least, you'll want to take a peek behind Microsoft's silicon curtain and check out the Inside Xbox blooper video embedded above.

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