
Cinemassively: 2007 ZOMG! That Sux! Award

Crap Mariner, of Second Life podcast fame, warned me that he'd made an awful video, but it was his blog entry that got my attention. He mentioned that his Machinima should win the 2007 Moo Money ZOMG! THAT SUX! Award. While that award doesn't exist, I think that the coiner of it definitely deserves it. I thought it would be a good time to point out my posting criteria and what he did wrong.

When I look for movies to post on Cinemassively, I judge them based on several things. If they don't meet the criteria within, say, 30 seconds, I move on to the next video. If the User Interface (UI) is on, I will almost immediately pass it up. Other dealbreakers are jerky movement, overly long videos, Ruthed avatars, and what looks to be no editing done whatsoever, other than compression. There are others, but these are the most common ones.

Congratulations, Crap! Next time, I expect a huge improvement.