
Rumor: UT3 almost complete, to release in April

The cool cats over at MAXCONSOLE dug up some dirt on Unreal Tournament 3 today and are reporting that this German magazine has some release date details. The German magazine "confirms" that UT3 for the Xbox 360 is about 90% complete and should make its way to retail shelves this Spring. April 2008 to be more specific. And we guess an April release doesn't seem all that far fetched seeing that the PS3 version of UT3 released earlier this month and would have a solid four month timed exclusive run. We also know that the 360 version has been in development alongside the PS3 version for a while now and that Epic should be getting back into the development swing of things after their holiday vacations. You know what? Meh to it all. Let's just wait for more concrete details before bustin' out the box of UT3 excitement. Agreed?

[Via Evil Avatar]