
More on Yahoo! oneSearch and Go for Mobile 2

Jerry Yang's appearance during the iPhone intro made several of us say "What are these new mobile services that he's talking about?" Turns out that Yahoo! oneSearch and Go for Mobile 2.0, discussed in the New York Times (reg req) today, were introed at CES on Monday. One item in the NYT article caught my eye, a quote from a Yahoo! exec:

"We view the mobile Internet today as entering an era where the PC-based Internet was in '96 or '97," said Steve Boom, Yahoo's senior vice president for broadband and mobile. "It is just on the cusp of taking off." C'mon... is that REALLY your name, "Steve Boom," or are you a Macworld keynote joke?

Go for Mobile is described on the Yahoo! corporate blog as "a swirling carousel of little widgets" that provide access to your Yahoo! contacts, local search, weather and other goodies pushed to your phone. The oneSearch module for "mobile-optimized search" is intended to give you a more intuitive, quick search for on-the-move use. You can download the beta from Yahoo! by pointing your mobile browser at today, or take the tour.

Yahoo! is serious about promoting these services; if you were at CES, you could have gotten free Coldstone ice cream from their booth. Yum.