
Japanese Xbox 360-tan ... tan?

If you're familiar with Japanese drawn "-tan" then you're smarter than the average bear. If not, we'll explain. Japanese -tan are colorful female anime characters drawn to depict a certain object, subject, or group. One of the most popular -tan depictions are the OS-tan girls inspired by various operating systems. Got it yet? ... Japanese anime girls that depict a certain subject matter. Anyway, Over at Dark Diamond they run a weekly blog post about non-other than gaming console-tan! This weeks blog was about Xbox 360-tan, decked out in lovely 360 logos, cables, and even a wireless controller arm! Dark Diamond describes her as:

a fun loving character and very social, she spends a lot of time online and has a very competitive nature. She's often picking a fight with PS3-tan. As distant relative to the other OS-tans from Microsoft she tends to suffer from occasional instability.

Not to start a mini-fanboy war here, but everyone knows that Xbox 360-tan could totally kick Nintendo Wii-tan's ... erm ... bum.

[Via Digg]