
Countdown to Burning Crusade: Day 7 winner

Dwarf: "Actually, I prefer to think of myself as 'in weapons range of your groin'."

Aight folks, the official winner is in for the day 7 Alliance caption contest -- you voted for Dwarf: "Actually, I prefer to think of myself as 'in weapons range of your groin'." by Rothoscand. Rothoscand is the lucky winner of a Team Paladins t-shirt. Grats to everyone who entered, and thanks to everyone who voted -- check after the jump for the complete breakdown of votes, and a list of the runners up.


"Aye lad, legend has it they ride single hide their numbers." -- El Vega

Darwf - May I help you?
Night Elf - Uh yes, where's Stormwind? -- Sky

Crap, you're a guy. From far away you all look the same. -- memidas

Ok, I'm only gonna tell you this one more time. Dancing like Michael Jackson will *not* get you hot Night Elf chicks. -- Shawn

Donald Trump brings his army of real estate to bear against an increasingly chunky Rosie O'Donnell. -- Procus

You are the Barry Bonds of dwarves! -- Gizmo

"hey, where the gnome women at?"" -- twodav2fly

"1960 called, they want their overalls back."

Posted at 9:40PM on Jan 7th 2007 by kuri

"My name is Inigo Montoya. you stole my shoulder pads... prepare to die." -- Bohn

"I wish I knew how to quit you" -- n10sityr