
Canon beefs up its line of budget PowerShot cams

Canon's really loving on the budget set, with them ZR and DC camcorders it released a couple weeks ago, and now a trio of PowerShots that go ultra-easy on the pocket book. The new A-series cams include the PowerShot A550 and A460, which go for $200 and $150, and sport 7.1 megapixel and 5.0 megapixel CCDs, respectively. The new cameras, which should be available mid-February, feature 2-inch LCDs, 4x optical zoom lenses and the fancy DIGIC II image processor for speedier performance and less battery drain. Both cameras are SDHC compatible, feature AiAF "smart" autofocus, and the A550 can pull off 30 fps VGA video, but that's about all that's going on here -- no image stabilization for this kind of mula. Canon's also introducing an A450 model to certain markets, which mirrors the A460 other than an inexplicable 3.2x optical zoom. More reasonably, Canon is also tossing a pair of AA batteries and a 16MB MMC card into each box, so you or the technophobe buddy of yours you end up buying one of these for should be able to start shooting right away. Peep the other two cameras after the break.

[Via LetsGoDigital]