
Trade your car for a PS3

Apparently, the offers to trade PS3s for Wiis on Cragislist were just the tip of the iceberg. This morning, tipster David Phillips pointed us to this interesting Craigslist listing offering a PS3 and two games for "a car or parts and labor on my jeep." A quick search finds a couple of otherlistings offering up a PS3 in exchange for a new ride or money to fix an existing ride. There are also some postings going the other way, offering a 1987 Volkswagon Golf, a 1991 Mazda Protege and even a 1968 Ford Falcon in exchange for a PS3 or other electronics.

Apparently entertainment is more important than mobility for some traders, which got us wondering what else people would be willing to give up for Sony's super-system. Food? Shelter? Warmth? First born? What would you give up for a PS3?