
Half Life 2: Orange Box (Art)

Darksaviour69 of got his hands some details for the 5-in-1 Half Life 2 pack, "The Orange Box" and how it compares to its PC conterpart. Xbox 360 owners will get treated to Half Life 2, HL2: Episodes 1 and Episode 2, Team Fortress 2 and Portal. The PC's "Black Box" won't have Half Life 2 or HL2: Episode 1. Given that, it's not a bad deal for a standard priced Xbox 360 game. What we're curious about is how the Achievements will be divided up between the games. Will it be 200 Gamerscore per title, or 1000 each or what? Whatever the case may be, we're looking forward to hearing more as we await the winter 2007 release. While the art on the right doesn't look bad, albeit ordered oddly, we think this one is awesome.