
The Number Twenty-thwii

In a cross-marketing deal that can only be described as a stretch, New Line Cinema is giving away a Nintendo Wii in a contest to promote its upcoming thriller The Number 23. Why, you may well ask? Well, W, which, as you may know, is the first letter of "Wii," is the 23rd letter of the alphabet, which has two points down and three points up. Spooky, huh! Here's some other coincidences totally creepy connections between the Wii and the number 23.

  • The word "Wii" has two letter i's and three letters total. 2 ...3 ... 23!

  • Add up the number of letters in "Nintendo," "Mario" and "Donkey Kong" and you get ... 23!

  • The press conferences where Nintendo announced the final details of the Wii launch were held on Sept. 14, 2006. 9 + 14 = 23!

  • The Wii was released in North America on November 19. 19 is 23 minus four!

  • The Wii is the 23rd major video game system to be released, if you skip a few!

OK, so those last few were a stretch. I'm sure if we tried we could come up with similar coincidental links for any system, or any product or event in human history, for that matter. But we've got better things to do. Like walking on hot coals.

[Via SlashFilm]