
EA resurrecting Wing Commander on Xbox 360?

With the exception of a Game Boy Advance port of Prophecy released in 2003, almost ten years have passed since the appearance of a new Wing Commander game. Space sim fans may have something else to thrust into their crosshairs this year with a game called "Wing Commander Arena" popping up on the ESRB database. The game, seemingly published by EA for the Xbox 360, is rated "E" for "fantasy violence."

Your own reaction may differ considerably from ours, but when we think "fantasy violence," we think "dogfights and space cats." Rampant speculation regarding the "Arena" subtitle might indicate a Wing Commander for Xbox Live Arcade, complete with multiplayer space combat, shiny HD graphics and gratuitous use of Mark Hamill (also rendered in HD). Unfortunately, since EA did not respond to a request for comment at the time of writing, such wonderful thoughts remain purely speculative for now.

Read - ESRB database (sort by Xbox 360 or search for "Wing Commander Arena")