
Blue Notes: Wind serpents and frost Mages

Hunters with wind serpents that have a lot of +spell damage gear (??), this is for you. Ommra declares:

A hot fix has been applied. This fix reduces the amount of bonus damage that the Hunter pet ability Lightning Breath receives from the Hunter's +damage gear.

Well, OK then. Do Hunters really wear a lot of +spell damage? I hear the Wind Serpent is a great DPS pet, and I doubt this is going to affect it very much.

And here's a development in some news that's had the Mage forums in a bit of a tizzy:

*This note was unintentionally left out of the patch notes but is now properly listed.

  • Increased the chance Frozen effects are broken when the target is critically struck by a spell.

I'm actually a bit confused about this -- other blue sources state that all crits will break Frozen. Hopefully we'll get this totally clarified soon; if this note here is correct, and not what Tseric wrote earlier, the Mage nerf is significantly reduced.