
PQ2 coming to US

Game Stooge has up a press release from D3Publisher of America stating that PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient is coming to the US. For those not familiar with the series, it has you use an avatar to get out of block stacking mazes as quickly as possible and your intelligence is graded on how well you did. Given that, I'm sorta pissed at my college and pre-college education, because not once did I get a course on block stacking and that's why I'm such a dummy now.

To help educate myself, I may have to pick up PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient when it arrives in non-Japanese form in the US. PQ2 will have more than 250 puzzles and will support Infrastructure mode so you can beat you friends in a video game and use that hollow victory to point out how stupid they are and by proxy how much of an idiot you are for hanging out with them. The game is a PSP exclusive, which obviously means PSP owners will be the smartest of all console owners after the game comes out.

[ Thanks Jonah! ]