
Iwata makes Barron's best CEO list

Financial publication Barron's announced their picks for the worlds best CEOs. Making the list for the first time is Nintendo's Satoro Iwata. The publication said that while Microsoft and Sony duke it out for power in their hardware, Nintendo's Wii is an "elegant and popular" alternative. Nintendo's stock has doubled in the last year supported by good buzz and strong performance of their hardware. Barron's focused on the Wii, but the DS is Nintendo's secret weapon of financial stability.

The question now becomes if Barron's was swept up in all the Nintendo Wii hype as well. The impressive launch, those sales figures and seeing their readership demographic enjoying the system. It's simply strange that this is Iwata's first appearance on the list, considering Nintendo has been chugging along as a profitable company for a good while.

[Via GamePolitics]