
WSVG 3v3 Tournament information posted!

Carrying on with the PVP tournament theme, The World Series of Video Games site has posted the ruleset for the 3 vs 3 tournaments planned for later this year. This includes the structure for the rounds, and the setup for the gaming. According to the guidelines:

Each team will have 5 minutes to pick a pre-made character and equip with gear and talents. There will be multiple selections to choose from for each race and class. Each team must select 3 different character classes. Teams may not use multiple of the same class.

But to answer a few questions raised about these competitions earlier - this particular competition will indeed let you use your personal mouse, keyboard, and headset as well as add-ons, so long as they are submitted and approved before the first competition takes place in China. Nice to see that some customization within reasonable levels is allowed.

Surprisingly enough, there are still several spots open for people to sign up as of yet. So if you've got the team (or even if not, as they are accepting "Free Agent" registrations if you check the actual sign ups) the dream, and the vacation days/cash saved up to attend one of the WSVG events, head over to the WSVG site and get signed up!